GES Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers For ADII Feb 2021-MCQ
GES Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers For ADII Feb 2021
- The Common Core Programme (CCP) for Junior and Senior High Schools of how many subjects?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
2. Which one of these agencies is not a body under the Ministry of Education which implements its policies and programmes to education?
A. Complementary Education Agency
B. Ghana Library Board
C. Ghana Tertiary Education Commission
D. National Commission for Civic Education
3. Which of the following is/are the objectives of the 1987 Education Reform?
I. Increase access to basic education
II. Shorten the pre-university education structure from 17 years to 12 years
III. Make education cost effective
IV. Improve quality of education by making more effective to socio-economic conditions
A. I only
B. I, II, and III only
C. I, II, III and IV
D. II and III only
4. Which of the following was part of the programmes and interventions implemented to facilitate the attainment of the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) policy objectives?
I. Quality Improvement in Primary Schools (QUIPS)
II. Child School Community Progress in Education (child scope)
III. Performance Monitoring Test (PMT)
IV. District Teacher Support Teams (DTST)
A. I, II and III only
B. I, II, III and IV
C. II and III only
D. III only
5. Ghana’s system of education is aimed at which of these aspects of development?
A. Character formation
B. Personality development
C. Preservation of culture
D. All of the above
6. The Ghana Education Service was established by the Ghana Education Service Act 1995,
A. Act 506
B. Act 605
C. Act 778
D. Act 788
7. Which of the following is/are not the ways through which education policies are formulated?
I. Imposition by elites
II. Political discussions
III. Stakeholder consultations
A. I only
B. I, II and III
C. II only
D. III only
8. Which of the following is not part of the list of subjects to be studied under the Common Core Programme for Junior and Secondary High Schools in Ghana?
A. Career Technology
B. History
C. Physical and Health Education
D. Religious and Moral Education
9. The current Deputy Director-General of the Ghana Education Service in charge of Quality and Access is known as
A. Kwavena Bempah Tandoh
B. Lawyer Anthony Boating
C. Professor Kwasi Opoku Amankuah
D. Professor Mathew Opoku Prempeh
10. Membership of the Ghana Education Service is made up of all the following except
A. All the stakeholders in education
B. Other persons that may be employed for the service
C. Teacher and non-teaching supporting personnel in pre-tertiary educational institutions in the public system
D. The personnel of the Ghana education Service existing immediately before the coming into force of the Ghana Education Act of 1995.
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11. Which of the following is at least remedy for students’ absenteeism in schools?
A. Parents should be counseled to ensure regular attendance of their wards/pupils to school
B. Parents should personally supervise the activities of their wards to ensure that they do not play truancy.
C. Pupils should be punished for absenteeism
D. Teachers should desist from harassing students.
12. The headteacher in a learner-centred school undertakes all the following activities to enhance teaching and learning except.
A. Empowering teachers to involve each learner in the teaching/learning process.
B. Encouraging teachers to avoid tests and other assessments because they demoralize students.
C. Encouraging teachers to develop lessons plan that use existing knowledge to construct new knowledge.
D. Motivating and sustaining teachers’ interest in teaching.
13. Which one of the following is the most common role of teachers in education?
A. Build a warm environment in the classroom.
B. Mentor and nurture students.
C. Provide leadership for learning
D. Set the tone of their classrooms
14. Which one of the following is not one of the core competencies emphasized in the new standards-based curriculum?
A. Clarity
B. Collaboration
C. Communication
D. Critical thinking
15. Which of the following methods, techniques and principles are teachers encouraged to use to promote effective teaching and learning?
I. Building on past learning or previous knowledge and positive reinforcement
II. Providing guidance and practice in class before independent practice
III. Motivating and sustaining pupils’ interest
IV. Involving each learner in the teacher/learning process
V. Even distribution of evaluative questions
A. I, II and III only
B. I, II, III, IV and V
C. I, II, III and IV only
D. II and III only
16. Supervision of teaching mainly ensures
A. Achievement of success in examination
B. Advancement of pupil welfare
C. Proper utilization of school facilities
D. Quality delivery of the curriculum
17. Management is commonly defined as
A. Getting things done so that demand is fulfilled
B. Getting things done through other people
C. Knowing what exactly has been produced and which should have been produced
D. Working for others
18. Rote learning is more common with ………………Curriculum
A. Learner-cantered
B. Problem-based
C. Standard-centered
D. Subject-centered
19. All the following statements about the teacher are correct, except that the teacher
A. Imposes ideas on pupils
B. Is seen as a role model to pupils
C. Is the leader of the class
D. Serves as a facilitator to pupils teaching.
20. Teaching objectives should be all the following, except being
A. Achievable
B. Realistic
C. Rigid
D. Time-bound
21. The maturity level of students determines the
A. Appropriate motivational techniques needed to be employed.
B. Learning tasks
C. Teaching methods
D. All of the above
22. Which one of the following reasons best explains why teachers should ensure that there are physical pathways for students in the classroom? The pathways
A. Allow student private space to work for themselves
B. Make it easier for teachers to attend to individual student need
C. Make it easier for teachers to see the board from the back
D. Make students less likely to become distracted
23. If teachers want to present information to students in interesting ways, they should start from what they
A. Already know
B. Are to know
C. Are willing to know
D. Don’t know
24. In order to effect a purposeful change in schools, a school leader should ask the question
A. What do we hope to accomplish?
B. What resources do we require?
C. Why is the change taking place?
D. All of the above
25. Heads of educational institutions can appropriately ensure the safety of their students against COVID-19 by the following measures except providing them.
A. Face mask to wear
B. Hand gloves to protect their hands
C. Hand sanitizer to sanitize their hands
D. Water and liquid soaps to wash their hands
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26. Which one of these questions helps you the least to specify your lesson objectives for students learning as a teacher?
A. What do I want students to learn?
B. What do I want them to understand and be able to do at the end of the class?
C. What is the topic of the lesson?
D. What will I do to explain the lesson?
27. Which of these reflective questions will best help the classroom teacher to design learning activities for teaching?
A. How will I check whether students know anything about the topic or have any preconceived notions about it?
B. What are the relevant real-life example’s analogies, or situations that can help students understand the topic?
C. What questions will I ask students to check for understanding?
D. What will I have students do to demonstrate that they are following?
28. Which of these Ghanaian languages is not approved for teaching and learning in Ghanaian schools?
A. Dangme
B. Kasem
C. Nzema
D. Sefwi
29. Which of these learner attributes is not a major aspect of school bonding? Attachment to
A. Friends
B. Teachers
C. The non-teaching staffs
D. The school
30. For what reason might a school be unable to maintain adequate educational quality and student discipline?
A. Both option A and B
B. Diversity
C. None of the above
D. Segregation
31. Which of the following types of Achievement Test items can best be used to measure higher order cognitive skills?
A. Essay
B. Multiple-choice
C. Short answer or completion
D. True-false
32. All of these key terms relate to and/or describe reliability, except
A. Consistency
B. Credibility
C. Dependability
D. Trustworthiness
Use the information below to answer questions 33-35
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives lists six levels of intellectual understanding, namely: knowledge, Analysis, comprehension, Synthesis, Application and Evaluation. These levels of understanding assist in categorizing test questions.
For questions 33-35, link the sample frames to the appropriate level of intellectual understanding
33. A question which asks learners to ‘Restate a concept in their own words’ is an example of ……………. test question frame
A. Analysis
B. Comprehension
C. Knowledge
D. Synthesis
34. A question asks learners to ‘infer from a concept’ is an example of test question frame
A. Comprehension
B. Evaluation
C. Knowledge
D. Synthesis
35. A question which asks learners ‘what is meant by …?’ is an example of ………… test question frame
A. Analysis
B. Application
C. Knowledge
D. Synthesis
36. Which one of these statements is not correct about examination malpractice?
A. It is sure way for candidates not to fail in an examination
B. It may lead to the cancelation of entire results of a school
C. People caught in examination leakage may be prosecuted at the law courts
D. The general public may lose confidence in the certificates that are awarded to candidates
37. Programme evaluations is one of the many duties assigned to educational administrators.
Which one of the following statements describes summative programme evaluation accurately?
A. It is a process intended to determine if a programme has met its goals
B. It is a process intended to get input from teachers
C. It is a process intended to provide information that can be used to improve a programme
D. None of the above
38. Out of 50% who took a test, 45 of them passed. What percentage of them failed?
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 30%
39. Which of the following is not an example of learning assessment metric for Ghanaian basic schools?
A. Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA)
B. Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA)
C. National Examination Assessment (NEA)
D. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
40. The general name for scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students is called a/an
A. Checklist
B. Inventory
C. Rating scale
D. Rubric
41. The SDG that relates to education aims to ensure
A. Equitable and inclusive education for all, especially the girl child.
B. Improved access and participation in education for all school-aged children
C. Inclusive and equitable quality lifelong learning opportunities for all
D. Universal basic education for all
42. As ways of mitigating the graduate unemployment issue, the government has introduced the following interventions except
A. Nation Builders Corps
B. National Youth Employment Programme
C. Teachers and Nurses Allowances
D. Youth in Afforestation
43. All the following are minimum levels of Standards every beginner in Ghana must meet according to the components of the National Teachers’ Standards (NTS). Except professional
A. Ethics
B. Knowledge
C. Practice
D. Values
44. Which of these general competencies envisioned by Ghana’s pre-tertiary education curriculum framework seeks to promote entrepreneurial skills in learners?
A. Communication and collaboration
B. Creativity and innovation
C. Critical thinking and problem solving
D. Personal development and leadership
45. A student’s ability to analyses issues and situations leading to the resolutions of demonstration of what kind of competence?
A. Communication and collaboration
B. Creativity and innovation
C. Cultural identity and global citizenship
D. Personal development and leadership competence
Check Also: Contemporary Issues In Education: Policies, Reforms, Programmes etc.
46. Which body within the Ghanaian education system has the overall responsibility for education sector policy formulation, planning, monitoring, and evaluation, budgeting and coordinating?
A. Ghana Education Service
B. Ministry of Education
C. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
D. National Council for Tertiary Education
47. Which of the following is not part of the major regulatory laws governing financial administration in schools in Ghana?
A. Education Act 778 of 2008
B. The constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992
C. The Internal Audit Agency Act, 2016 (Act 658)
D. The Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921)
48. Which of these options is not a major aim of the Double Track intervention which was introduced in senior high school in Ghana?
A. Create room to accommodate the increase in enrolment
B. Expand physical school infrastructure and facilities
C. Increase the number of holidays (especially for teachers)
D. Reduce class size
49. The activity of teachers investigating own practices and developing useful ideas to improve their practices can be referred to as …………… Research
A. Action
B. Basic
C. Qualitative
D. Quantitative
50. Which of the following office of the Ministry of Education houses the Education Management information system (EMIS) data?
A. Administration and General Services
B. Free Senior High School Secretarial
C. Reform Secretarial
D. Statistics Research, and information Management (SRIM)
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