GES Aptitude Test Past Questions 2021 with Answers for ADII

GES Aptitude Test Past Questions 2021 with Answers for ADII
Instructions: Answer all questions in this Section by circling the letter corresponding to the correct or best Section by circling the letter corresponding to the correct or best answer on your question paper.
1. Which of the following is not an agency of the Ministry of Education?
A. Complementary Education Agency
B. Ghana Library Board
C. Ghana Tertiary Education Commission
D. National Commission for Civic Education
2. Which of the following was/were part of the programmes and interventions implemented to facilitate the attainment of the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (CUBE) policy objectives?
I. Quality Improvement in Primary Schools (QUIPS)
II. Child School Community Progress in Education (Child Scope)
III. Performance Monitoring Test (PMT)
IV. District Teacher Support Teams (DTST)
A. I, II and III only
B. I, II, and IV
C. II and III Only
D. III only
3. The list of Subjects to be studied under the Common Core Programme for Junior and Senior High Schools in Ghana include all the following, except
A. Career Technology
B. Computing
C. History
D. Social Studies
4. In a learner-centred school, the headteacher undertakes all the following activities to enhance teaching and learning except
A. empowering teachers to involve each learner in the teaching/learning process.
B. encouraging teachers to avoid tests and other assessments because they demoralize students.
C. encouraging teachers to develop lesson plans that use existing knowledge to construct new knowledge
D. motivation and sustaining teachers’ interest in teaching.
5. The general competence intended by Ghana’s pre-tertiary education curriculum framework to promote entrepreneurial skills in learners is
A. communication and collaboration
B. creativity and innovation.
C. critical thinking and problem solving.
D. personal development and leadership.
6. Which of the following is the least remedy for students’ absenteeism in schools?
A. Counseling parents/caregivers to ensure regular attendance of their wards to school.
B. Parents/caregivers supervising the activities of their wards to ensure that they do not play truancy.
C. Punishing pupils for absenteeism.
D. Teachers desisting from harassing students
7. All the following learning assessment metrics are designed for Ghanaian basic schools except
A. Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA).
B. Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA).
C. National Examination Assessment (NEA)
D. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
8. One of the students of a class hardly talks in the class. How would you encourage him to express himself?
A. By encouraging children to take part in class activities
B. By giving good marks to those who express themselves well
C. By organizing classroom discussion activities
D. By organizing educational games/programmes in which children feel like speaking
9. Which of the following skills is not one of the core competencies emphasized in the new standards-based curriculum?
A. Clarity
B. Collaboration
C. Communication
D. Critical thinking
10. Which one of the following reasons best explains why teachers should ensure that there are physical pathways for students in the classroom? The pathways
A. allow student private space to work for themselves.
B. make it easier for teachers to attend to individual student needs.
C. make it easier for teachers to see the board from the back.
D. make students less likely to become distracted.
11. Which one of the following statements is incorrect about examination malpractice?
A. It is a sure way for candidates to pass an examination.
B. It may lead to the cancelation of entire results of a school.
C. People caught in examination leakage may be prosecuted at the law courts.
D. The general public may lose confidence in the certificates that are awarded to candidates.
12. All the following behaviors are minimum levels of standard every beginner teacher in Ghana must meet according to the components of the National Teachers’ Standards (NTS), except Professional
A. ethics
B. knowledge
C. practice
D. values
13. What kind of competence is demonstrated by a student who is able to analyse issues and situations leading to the resolution of changes?
A. Creativity and innovation
B. Critical thinking and problem solving
C. Cultural identity and global citizenship
D. Personal development and leadership competence
14. The organization within the Ghanaian education system which has the overall responsibility for education sector policy formulation, planning, monitoring, evaluation, budgeting and coordinating is
A. Ghana Education Service
B. Ghana Tertiary Education Commission.
C. Ministry of Education
D. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
15. Which of the following legal frameworks is not part of the major regulatory law governing financial administration in schools in Ghana? The
A. Education Act, 2008 (Act 778)
B. Education Regulatory Bodies Act, 2020 (Act 1023)
C. Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658)
D. Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921)
16. In Ghanaian schools, performance of a learner can best be evaluated through ………….. assessments.
A. annually
B. daily
C. monthly
D. weekly
17. What does the term ‘equal educational opportunities’ mean?
A. All children have access to education
B. All children have access to quality teaching and learning resources
C. All children have the type of education which is suitable for their peculiar needs.
D. All of the above
18. Which one of the following refers to a situation where a learner studies simply because work is assigned by the teacher?
A. Cognitive memorizing.
B. Experimental learning.
C. Sensory learning.
D. None of the above
19. An assessment that is conducted prior to the start of teaching or instructions is called ………… assessment.
A. diagnostic
B. formal
C. formative
D. summative
20. The models based on the philosophy that learning occurs when there are changes in mental structure are called ………………. learning models.
A. affective
B. cognitive
C. knowledge
D. psychomotor
Also Check: GES Aptitude Test Questions And Answers For ADII (Trial Questions)
21. Which of the following is/are termed as student-centered learning methods?
I. Direct instruction
II. Inquiry-based learning
III. Cooperative learning
A. I and II only
B. I, II and III
C. II and III only
D. II only
22. The office of the Ministry of Education that houses the Education Management Information System (EMIS) data is
A. Administration and General Services
B. Education Reform Secretariat
C. Free Senior High School Secretariat
D. Statistics, Research and Information Management (SRIM)
23. The type of test that measures the performance of test takers against the criteria covered in the curriculum is called
A. aptitude test
B. criterion-referenced test
C. diagnostic test
D. norm-referenced test
24. Teachers could be made accountable when they are given
A. freedom in the selection of content and methods of teaching.
B. opportunities for professional growth.
C. training in teaching and examination.
D. transfer to places where they want to serve.
25. When using a problem-solving method, the teacher can
A. help the learners define what is it to be solved.
B. propose ways of obtaining the needed data.
C. set up the problem.
D. test the conclusion
26. Which of the following is/are important in gender equality?
A. Equal opportunities for males and females
B. Equal pay for men and women for same work done
C. Girls receiving the same level of education as boys
D. All the above
27. The Government of Ghana introduced the Capitation Grant Scheme at the beginning of the 2005/2006 academic year with the primary purpose to
A. demolish the School Management Committee arrangement.
B. discontinue schools from forming canteen committees
C. make school more open to the public
D. replace all kinds of fees that were payable by children enrolled on schools.
28. The Professional requirements of a teacher as explained by UNESCO is/are
A. innovativeness in approach and teaching strategies.
B. justice to the teaching profession
C. mastery over the subject and competency for teaching.
D. All of the above.
29. A junior high school teacher wants her students to acquire a specific skill to undertake a practical task required. Which of the following teaching methods would be least appropriate?
A. Demonstration
B. Discussion
C. Recitation
D. Role-play
30. Which of the factors predict improvements in senior high school students’ learning outcomes?
A. Learning style
B. School environment
C. Socio-Cultural background
D. All of the above
31. When a JHS teacher poses a question in class to check the knowledge of students on an issue, the appropriate method to stimulate discussion is to
A. frame the question as lengthy as you can.
B. point to intelligent students first and then put the question
C. pose more than question at a time to stimulate students.
D. pose the question to the whole class and then select somebody to answer.
32. All but one of the following is not a schedule of the Ghana Education Service District Directorate structures.
A. Girls Education Officer
B. Partnership Coordinator
C. School Improvement Support Officer
D. Training officer
33. Which of the following statements about teachers’ lesson plan is false?
A. A good daily lesson plan ensures a better discussion
B. A lesson lesson plan must have clearly stated objectives
C. All teachers should have a daily lesson plan
D. The lesson plan must be strictly follow
34. The current Education Strategic Plan (ESP) that drives the course of education provision in Ghana is the
A. ESP 2010 – 2025
B. ESP 2018 – 2030
C. ESP 2020 – 2025
D. ESP 2020 – 2030
35. Which of the following does not characterize a well-planned lesson?
A. Lesson notes are vetted by school head
B. Lesson objectives are specific, measurable, achievable
C. There are varied procedures and activities undertaken by the pupils
D. Varied teaching and learning resources are utilized to promote learning
36. The capitation grant provided to a school can be used for the following purposes except to
A. acquire teaching and learning resources.
B. attend to sanitation and minor repairs and maintenance.
C. organize extra classes for pupils.
D. procure any item related to stationery.
37. What is the most important factor a teacher should consider in selecting and utilizing instructional materials?
A. Attractiveness of Instructional materials
B. Availability of instructional materials
C. Degree of interest on the part of the students
D. Objectives of the lesson
38. In which part of a lesson does the learner give a synthesis of/about the things learned?
A. Application
B. Development
C. Evaluation
D. Introduction
39. Which of the following committees in a school system is not concerned primarily with the welfare of learners?
A. Canteen
B. Disciplinary
C. Entertainment
D. Health and Sanitation
40. In the application part of a lesson delivery, learners are offered opportunity to undertake the following activities, except
A. make generalizations based on what is learnt.
B. memorize and recite what is learnt.
C. relate what is learnt to real life situations.
D. synthesize information on what is learnt.
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41. According World Bank (2015) extreme poverty can be defined as people living under ……. dollars a day.
A. 1.0
B. 1.9
C. 2.0
D. 2.9
42. What type of punishment involves the infliction of physical harm on a learner who has broken a school rule?
A. Corporal
B. Isolation
C. Suspension
D. Withdrawal
43. A teacher teaches in a remote school where newspapers are delivered regularly knowing the importance of keeping the students abreast with current affairs, what is the best way to keep the students updated?
A. Encouraging the pupils to listen to the daily broadcast from radio.
B. Gather back issues of newspapers and let pupils compile them.
C. Try all available means to get the newspaper delivered to the school
D. Urge the pupils to listen to stories circulating in the community.
44. Learners must be developed not only in the cognitive and psychomotor domains, but also in the affective domain, which of the following relates to the affective domain of students behavior?
A. Attitudes.
B. Feelings
C. Stereotypes
D. All of the above
45. The topmost responsibility of a headteacher is to
A. handle discipline programs.
B. maintain school records
C. organize and administer the guidance programme.
D. provide leadership for learning
46. Which of the following among Henrri Fayol’s (1814 – 1925) five functions of management?
A. Forecasting
B. Mentoring
C. Monitoring
D. Supervision
47. What is the main cause of death in children five years or younger in developing countries?
A. Communicable diseases
C. Malnutrition
D. War
48. Students are most likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn and master subject matter when they
A. anticipate that they will receive positive reinforcement for achieving instructional objectives.
B. believe that the work they are doing is interesting and relates to their own lives.
C. know that they will be tested o their understanding of the content in the near future.
D. perceive that their performance compares favorably with that of peers engaged in the same tasks.
49. The basic purpose of supervision is to help
A. Children learn more effectively
B. Teachers in dealing with pupils
C. Teachers in improving methods
D. Teachers in understanding pupils
50. To make learning effective, a goal must be meaningful in terms of
A. intellectual ideas
B. objectives of the curriculum
C. standards of others
D. students’ needs and purpose
Instruction: Answer all questions in this Section by identifying whether the statement provided is true or false. Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct or best option on your question paper.
51. The overall goal of the Ministry of Education is to provide relevant and quality education for disadvantaged Ghanaians.
A. True
B. False
52. The National Teaching Council is not the mandated body that oversees the posting of newly trained teachers in Ghana.
A. True
B. False
53. The advancement in literacy, numeracy as well as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields is central to the Ministry of Education’s vision of producing learners with strong experiential learning capabilities and backgrounds in career-focused
A. True
B. False
54. Strategies such as writing detailed test questions or prompts, including clear directions and establishing and communicating clear grading criteria increase test reliability.
A. True
B. False
55. The standards based curriculum was rolled out for the primary schools in Ghana in the academic year 2017/2018.
A. True
B. False
56. A person who has been exposed to an infectious illness may be quarantined to see if they will become sick.
A. True
B. False
57. The aim of schooling is not to develop individual students, but to develop their social, cultural and economic capital for advancement of society as a whole.
A. True
B. False
58. The release of a teacher from one Directorate of Education to another in the GES system presently depends, in part, on the approval of the teacher’s current District Director of Education.
A. True
B. False
59. The purpose of evaluating learning is to make a judgment about the quality of education provided
A. True
B. False
60. Measurement is the quantitative assessment of performance of learners.
A. True
B. False
Also Read: Apply: GES Promotion Portal 2022/2023
61. The association of teachers, pupils, parents, members of the community and Chiefs constitute the School Management Committee.
A. True
B. False
62. Both formative and summative assessment of performance of learners.
A. True
B. False
63. The Ministry of Education is one of the agencies under the Ghana Education Service.
A. True
B. False
64. School Performance Improvement Planning (SPIP) is undertaken by stakeholders at the school level, first to pave way for preparing School Performance Appraisals.
A. True
B. False
65. The Minister for Education is assisted by two Deputy Ministers, who are appointed by Technical Advisors to the President.
A. True
B. False
66. The Ministry of Education (MOE), like other state organs of its type, derive their status and functions from Civic Service Law, PNDCL 327 of 1993.
A. True
B. False
67. A new corona virus variant, technically named OMICRON, was first detected in South Africa in 2019.
A. True
B. False
68. When you are around anyone from outside your regular household, physical distancing and mask-wearing are essential to avoid spreading the coronavirus.
A. True
B. False
69. Situations where masks aren’t being worn or are being removed to eat or drink are likely to spread the coronavirus and cause illness.
A. True
B. False
70. People with food allergies can be vaccinated for the coronavirus.
A. True
B. False
71. Personality tests are valid measures of a person’s ability to teach.
A. True
B. False
72. Licensure and exit tests are the best predictors of classroom performance of teachers.
A. True
B. False
73. If a person teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going over material.
A. True
B. False
74. Student performance is higher in classes where the teacher devotes large amounts of time to the materials needed rather than teaching content.
A. True
B. False
75. Constructivism is an approach to teaching that allows students to construct their own understanding and meanings.
A. True
B. False
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Thank you very much. Please I need more hints.
Good job
Be blessed for the good job done