GES Promotion Aptitude Test 2023 for ADII with Answers

GES Promotion Aptitude Test 2023 for ADII with Answers
INSTRUCTION: Answer all the question in the section by circling the letter corresponding to the correct or best answer on your question paper.
1) Education stakeholders are considered more important to a school when they ……
A. Use of their power in support of the school
B. Raise legitimate issues about teaching
C. Express themselves eloquently
D. Emphasize the urgency of their issues
2) Which of the following are the main priorities of the Ghana Education Reform Agenda.
i. Improve learning outcomes
ii. Enhanced accountability
iii. Equality
iv. Equity
3) What is the purpose of conducting research?
A. To provide solutions to problems
B. To identify a problem needing solution
C. To add to or contribute to knowledge
D. All of the above
4) In which year was the Pre-Tertiary Education Act (1049) enacted
A. 2017
B. 2018
C. 2019
D. 2020
5) Which of the following key qualities are required of a public officer?
i. Leadership Skills
ii. Communication Skills
iii. Patient and resilience
6) The degree to which a person identifies with his or job, actively participates in it, and considers his or performance as being important to self-worth is referred to as job…
A. Stability
B. Satisfaction
C. Involvement
D. Commitment
Use the scenario below to answer questions 7 and 8.
Ama works as a receptionist at an educational institution. Her boss just came through the door and yelled at her, telling her that the front office was a mess and that she needed to get up and clean it immediately. After her boss left the room, Ama grabbed some new papers and violently slammed them into the dustbin.
7) Which of the following best describes Ama’s action?
A. An emotion
B. An effect
C. A thought
D. Mood
8) Which of the following best describes the behaviour of Ama’s boss?
A. Rude
B. Impolite
C. Disrespectful
D. Authoritarian
9) When decision making is delegated as far dawn as down the chain of command as possible in an education system, the system is to be……
A. Flexible
B. Decentralised
C. Creative
D. Centralised
10) Which of the following is not a characteristic of well – constructed goal of educational organisations?
A. are the results of a group decision process
B. are precise and measurable
C. are challenging but realistic
D. address critical issues
11) The District Director of Educations Office phone bill in 2020 is GHC 4,200.00. lt increases by 10% in 2021 and a further 20% increase in the first six months of 2022. If the Director settles the bill, how much more will she have to pay at the end of June 2022?
A. 5,744.00
B. GHC 5, 544.00
C. GHC 4,620.00
D. GHC 4,400.00
B. GHC 5, 544.00
2021 increment = 10/100×4,200
=GHC 420.00
Total amount= 4,200+420= 4,620.00
2022 increment= 20/100×4,620
= GHC 924.00
But for the first six months= 924/2= GHC462.00
At the end of June 2022, the director will have to pay GHC4,620+GHC 462=GHC 5,082.00
GHC 4,200+10%+20% = Answer GHC 5,544.00
12) Which Act established the Complimentary Education Agency (CEA)?
A. 2020 (Act 1058)
B. 2020 (Act 1055)
C. 2020 (Act 1023)
D. 2020 (Act 1049)
13) Which of the following is not a key education reform area of the Ministry of Education?
A. Pre-Tertiary Curriculum Reform through NaCCA
B. Policy on Teachers Education Reforms led by the GTEC through T-TEL
C. Global Citizenship Education Reform
D. GES institutional and Human Resource Reform
14) What is the following fallacy called? ” All ducks love water. Kofi loves water. Therefore, Kofi is a duck”.
A. Modus tollens
B. Modus ponens
C. Denying the antecedent
D. Affirming the consequent
15) The ” best” approach for transformational change in a school is to have the school leader create an atmosphere for change……..
A. but let others decide how to initiate a change
B. but carefully set limits for the program
C. and establish a reward system
D. and begin establishing a vision
16) Which one of the following best describes the focus of inclusive education? To increase….
A. Participation of all students in schools including those with disabilities
B. Participation of all staff in decision making including non-teaching staff
C. Integration of various subject disciplines such as arts, science and business
D. Integration of basic, secondary and tertiary systems of education
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17) The principal strategy adopted for universal Design for Learning (UDL) is ……..
A. Inviting parents to attend meetings and open days
B. Giving learners quizzes at the end of every lesson
C. Asking parents to sign the completed assignments of learners
D. Adopting multiple ways of representing content of learners
18) Which of the following is not one of the four pillars of secondary education reform in Ghana?
A. Promote skill development and equity
B. Improve equality
C. Expand physical infrastructure
D. Absorb all fees paid
19) Who is the director-General of the Ghana TVET Service?
A. Mr. David Prah
B. Madam Mawusi Nudekor Awity
C. Madam Gifty Twum Boafo
D. Dr. Fred Kyei Asamoah
20) The plans of school management are often expressed formally in which of the following documents?
A. Performance reports
B. Ledgers
C. Financial Statements
D. Budgets
21) In educational institution, the idolization of a charismatic leader by followers can lead to……
A. Nurtures a competitive work environment
B. Limiting suggestions for fixes and improvements
C. Greater understanding of the organisation mission
D. Difficulty in developing a successor
22) In educational settings, since practical considerations make job tryouts for all candidates impracticable, it is necessary to ………. the relative level of job performance for each candidates on the basis of available information.
A. Predict
B. Assign
C. Accept
D. Abandon
23) Which one the following biases refer to the fact that educational decision makers who have strong prior beliefs about an issue tend to make decisions on the basis of these beliefs, even when presented with evidence that their beliefs are wrong?
A. Reasoning by analogy bias
B. Prior hypothesis bias
C. Illusion control bias
D. Escalating commitment bias
24) An important first step in the process of formulating an education institution’s mission is to
A. Identify the client segment served by the institution
B. Evaluate the institution’s most recent performance
C. Decide what the institution will be like 10 years from now
D. Answer the question, “What is our business”
25) A headmistress wanted her school to keep cost low. Therefore, as an example to the others, she drove her own car to school and furnished her office with plan, steel desk. In this case the headmistress was displaying her ……
A. Vision for success
B. Emotional intelligence
C. Commitment to her cause
D. Astute use of power
26) An argument is sure to be a sound argument if it is a/an
A. Guarantee of truth of its conclusion
B. Argument with true premises
C. Argument with a true conclusion
D. Argument which is completely valid
27) Teachers could be made to be more accountable when they are given the ……..
A. Training in teaching and examining
B. Option to transfer to places where they want to serve
C. Opportunity for professional growth
D. Freedom to select content and methods of teaching
Use the information below to answer questions 28 to 30.
The administration of a senior high school wants to know what proportion their students are satisfied with the library facilities. Eighteen (18) library staff are keen to help. They select 200 students in the library during the first week of the exam period and ask them to fill in a questionnaire on satisfaction with the library.
28) What is the population that the sample was selected from?
A. The 200 students who completed the questionnaire
B. All the students and library staff
C. All the senior high students
D. All students in the library during the first week of the exam period.
29) The survey conducted by the library staff at the senior high school, what is the population that the school administration is interested in?
A. The 200 students who completed the questionnaire
B. All the students and the library staff
C. All students in the library during the first week of the exam period
D. All the students enrolled at the senior high school
30) What is the sample size for the survey?
A. 200
B. 218
C. 205
D. 220
31) Who won the best teacher (leadership and Administration) in the 2022 Ghana Teacher Prize?
A. Lean Owusu Boateng
B. Mr. Joseph Kwaku Agbevanu
C. Madam stella Gyimaah Larbi
D. Ivy Asantewa Owusu
32) In a teacher-centered school, the headteacher undertakes all the following activities to enhance teaching and learning except……
A. Motivating and sustaining teachers interest in teaching
B. Encouraging teacher to develop lesson plans that build on existing knowledge
C. Encouraging teachers to avoid test because they demoralize students
D. Empowering teachers to involve each learner in the teaching/learning process
33) The general competence intended by Ghana’s pre- tertiary education curriculum framework to promote entrepreneurial skills in learners is
A. Personal development and leadership
B. Critical thinking and problem solving
C. Creativity and innovation
D. Communication and collaboration
34) The type of test that measures the performance of learners against the standards covered in the curriculum is called…….a/an
A. Norm-referenced test
B. Diagnostic test
C. Criterion-referenced test
D. Aptitude test
35) Which of the following is not one of the core domains of the national teachers standards?
A. Values and attitudes
B. Practice
C. Knowledge
D. Ethics
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36) Which of the following is not a tool for the formative assessment in the school system?
A. Project
B. Oral questions
C. Multiple choice question
D. Inventory
37) Which of the following relates to the affective domain of students behaviour?
A. Stereotypes
B. Feelings
C. Attitudes
D. All of the above
38) The topmost responsibility of a headteacher is to:
A. Provide leadership for learning
B. Maintain school records
C. Handle discipline problems
D. Administer the guidance programme
39) The first important step in teaching is…
A. Writing questions and diagnostic assessment
B. Planning before hand
C. Organizing material to be taught
D. Knowing the background of the students
40) In what year did GES replace promotion interviews with promotion examinations?
A. 2020
B. 2019
C. 2018
D. 2017
41) The main objective of classroom assessment is to ………..
A. Report on learners performance to parents
B. Measure teachers effectiveness
C. Improve teaching and learning
D. Compare learners performance
42) A teacher teaches in a remote school where newspapers are delivered irregularly. With the importance of keeping the students abreast with current affairs in mind, what is the best way to keep the students updated?
A. Urge the pupils to listen to stories circulating in the community
B. Try all the available means to get all the newspaper delivered in the school
C. Gather back issues of newspapers and let pupils compile them
D. Encourage the pupils to listen to the daily broadcasts from a radio
43) Learners are most likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn and master subject matter when they……
A. Perceive that their performance will compare favorably with that of their peers
B. Know they will receive positive reinforcement for achieving instructional objectives
C. Know they will be tested for their understanding of the content in the near future
D. Believe that the work they are doing is interesting and relates to their own lives
44) The fundamental aim of supervision is to help……
A. Teachers to understand pupils
B. Teachers in improving methods
C. Teachers dealing with pupils
D. Children learn more effectively
45) To make learning effective, an instructional goal must be meaningful in terms of……….
A. Students needs and purposes
B. Standards of others
C. Objectives of the curriculum
D. Intellectual ideas
46) Procedures used to determine a learner’s abilities are referred to as ……….
A. Typical performance test
B. Norm referenced test
C. Maximum performance test
D. Criterion-referenced test
47) What are the three components of an educational process?
A. Teaching, learning and practice
B. Teacher, students and education
C. Education, teacher and books
D. Direction, instruction and skill
48) Which one of the following does not characterize a well-planned lesson?
A. Varied teaching and learning resources are utilized to promote learning
B. Varied procedures and activities are undertaken by the pupils
C. Lesson objectives are specific, measurable and achievable
D. Lesson notes are vetted by school heads
49) The capitation grant provided to a school can be used for the ….
A. Procure stationery
B. Organise extra classes for pupils
C. Attend to sanitation and minor repairs and maintenance
D. Acquire teaching and learning resources
50) What is the most important factor a teacher should consider in selecting and utilizing instructional materials?
A. Objectives of the lesson
B. Degree of interest on the part of the students
C. Availability of instructional materials
D. Attractiveness of instructional material
51) In any school situation, performance tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to ability to perform certain actions.
A. True
B. False
52) The final outcome of successful strategic competitiveness is above average returns.
A. True
B. False
53) Teachers who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement.
A. True
B. False
54) Monitoring involves the development of a forecast of what might happen at a future point in time.
A. True
B. False
55) A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day in class by giving students a sense of belonging and acceptance.
A. True
B. False
CHECK: GES Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers For ADII Feb 2021-MCQ
56) Since the health of a nations economy affects the performance of individual firms and industries, organisations study the economic environment to identify changes, trends and their strategic implications.
A. True
B. False
57) Licensure and exit test are the best predictors of classroom performance of teachers.
A. True
B. False
58) External environment analysis should be conducted annually.
A. True
B. False
59) If a person teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going over material.
A. True
B. False
60) Students performance is higher in classes where the teacher devotes large amounts of time to the materials needed rather than teaching content.
A. True
B. False
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61) In Ghana, the National Teachers Standards set out the minimum levels of practice that all trained teachers must reach by the end of their pre- service teachers education course in order to play such a critical role.
A. True
B. False
62) The purpose of evaluating is to make a judgement about the quality of education provided.
A. True
B. False
63) Measurement is the qualitative assessment of performance of learners.
A. True
B. False
64) What a teacher does not say is as important as what a teacher does say.
A. True
B. False
65) Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintaining an effective classroom climate and should thus be avoided.
A. True
B. False
66) Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses their ideas in moving a class lecture or activity forward.
A. True
B. False
67) The advancement in literacy, numeracy as well as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields is central to the Ministry of Education’s vision of producing learners with strong experiential learning capabilities and backgrounds in career focused programmes.
A. True
B. False
68) Strategies such as writing detailed test questions or prompts, including clear directions, and establishing and communicating clear grading criteria increase test reliability.
A. True
B. False
69) The standard-based curriculum was rolled for the primary schools in Ghana in academic year 2017/2018.
A. True
B. False
70) Written assessments are activities in which the students selects or composes a response to a prompt.
A. True
B. False
71) The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate but should work for student success regardless of the climate.
A. True
B. False
72) The overall goal of the Ministry of Education is to provide relevant and quality education for disadvantaged Ghanaians.
A. True
B. False
73) The National Teaching Council is not the mandated body that oversees the posting of newly trained teachers in Ghana.
A. True
B. False
74)The skill that must be demonstrated in performance task cannot vary considerably.
A. True
B. False
75) In a school, teachers have many different types of assessment available to them.
A. True
B. False
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