GES Promotion Aptitude Test Trial Questions and Answers for PS-2nd Set

GES Promotion Aptitude Test Trial Questions and Answers for PS – SET 2
- Curriculum revision should be a/an ……………….. process?
A. Abrupt
B. Continuous
C. Gradual
D. relative
2. Robert Sternberg, a famous psychologist, argued that creativity requires…………………….. different types of intelligence.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
3. The new curriculum should be introduced …………………….?
A. bruptly
B. continuously
C. gradually
D. relatively
4. Any method of teaching which involves two or more students, can be termed as…………………. ?
A. Class task
B. Group Work
C. Class work
D. Group task
5. …………………is pair activity in which students have exactly 30 seconds to share all they known
A. Quick talk
B. Quick intro
C. Quick response
D. Quick discussion
6. The technique in which the students act out roles form stories or historical events, is termed as:
A. Drama
B. Simulation
C. Play
D. All of the above
7. One way to maximize teaching time shorten delays due to transitions and focus on student’s behavior is used to establish…………………….. in the classroom?
A. Procedures
B. Rules
C. Routines
D. None of these
8. When a teacher enters his class on the first day the theme of discussion should be___________?
A. Course-content
B. School principal
C. School building
D. Introduction
9. Primary teachers should give top priority to……………………..?
A. Understanding the community
B. Understanding the colleague Teachers
C. Interaction with the parents
D. Understanding the child
10. To increase the confidence of the teacher
A. Selection of suitable strategy is needed
B, Well preparation of the material aids is required
C. Well preparation of the content is required
D. Class room discipline is a must
11. All of the following are the advantages of lecture strategy except:
A. It will increase the oral communication powers of pupils
B. More content can be presented to pupils in less amount of time
C. Objectives of cognitive as well as effective domains of behavior can be achieved
D. Habit of concentrating to teaching for a longer period can be developed
12. Which types of persons should enter in the field of teaching?
A. Meritorious persons
B. Devoted and laborious persons
C. General persons
D. Economically weak persons
13. Major advantage of supervised study technique is that:
A. Problems of learning disabled and backward pupils can be removed
B. All of the above
C. Self-learning habits and self-confidence can be developed in pupil
D. Formative evaluation of teaching is possible
14. A very important quality of a good student is:
A. To come to school on time
B. To be quite and well behaved
C. To always obey the teacher
D. To make an effort to understand what is taught in class
15. What should teacher do after teaching the lesson?
A. He should give those answers of the Questions of the lesson
B. He should ask to do Question answers of the lesson
C. He should test the understanding of the students
D. He should leave them if they may write or not
16. To study the functioning of the unconscious mind, which of the following techniques can be most profitably used?
A. Situational tests
B. Projective techniques
C. Case studies
D. Personality inventories
17. The primary duty of a teacher is to be responsible to his/her:
A. Students
B. Nation
C. Society
D. Family
18. The best technique of teaching at primary stage is………………………..?
A. Self-learning
B. The traditional black-board and chalk technique
C. Game technique
D. Practical training
19. A student having scientific attitude:
A. Gets goods job
B. Becomes courageous
C. Studies systematically
D. Thinks rationally
20. Mr. Anderson is very careful in his classroom about using his class time efficiently and having active student practice. To do this, Mr. Anderson uses an instructional sequence of review, presenting new content, practice, feedback, and reteaching. He is attempting to achieve the goals of
A. mastery learning
B. indirect instruction
C. lecturing
D. cooperative learning
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21. …………………….is a teacher centered model that focuses on student’s activities being guided by the teacher?
A. Thinking Model
B. Pedagogical Model
C. Directive Model
D. Indirect Model
22. The first step in the direct instruction model is
A. presenting and structuring new content
B. daily review and checking
C. guided student practice
D. independent practice
23. When Mr. Johnson reviews his students at the beginning of class, he checks how many of his high performers, average performers, and low performers miss questions. If the high performers miss a large number, he knows he needs to do some extensive reteaching. If the average performers miss a large number, but the high performers don’t, he knows he needs some reteaching. If only the low performers miss a large number, he knows he needs individualized material for them. This is an example of
A. indirect teaching
B. cooperative learning
C. a steering group
D. tracking
24. Teaching content according to the way in which facts and rules to be learned occur in the real world is called
A. part-whole relationships
B. sequential relationships
C. combinations of relationships
D. comparative relationships
24. Modelling
A. is a direct teaching activity
B. is seldom used by effective teachers
C. allows students to imitate from demonstration or infer from observation the behavior to be learned
D. both a and c
25. Which of the following are the most common strategies for dealing with incorrect student responses?
A. Ask students to repeat the correct response after you model it
B. Review key facts or rules required to achieve the solution
C. Ask students to recite by memory the steps required to solve a problem
D. Offer prompts or hints representing a partially correct answer
26. By introducing a lesson topic in the its most general form and then dividing it into easy-to-distinguish subdivisions, the teacher is using
A. part-whole relationships
B. sequential relationships
C. combinations of relationships
D. comparative relationships
27. In direct teaching, divide and conquer means to
A. divide the class into small groups
B. focus on one idea at a time
C. teach half of the lesson one day and half the next day
D. both a and b
28. Private dialogue that takes the place of the teacher’s prompts and questions and self-guides the learner is
A. scaffolding
B. inner Speech
C. Rehersal
D. Metacognition
29. Mr. Henderson has been using positive reinforcement to encourage James to turn his homework in on time. After about four weeks, James is demonstrating the success of positive reinforcement by turning his homework in on time every day. To maintain this behavior, Mr. Henderson should
A. use intermittent reinforcement
B. continue using positive reinforcement
C. use negative reinforcement
D. use no reinforcement
30. The transfer of reinforcement from external to internal control is
A. classical conditioning
B. extrinsic motivation
C. operant conditioning
D. both a and b
31. Corporal punishment is not recommended because it
A. is against the law
B. prevents rational discussion of appropriate behaviour
C. can provoke aggression and hostility
D. only b and c
32. Behavior modification approaches to classroom management emphasize
A. The idea that behavior can be altered through punishment, reward, and reinforcement
B. The importance of negative reinforcement to curb avoidance behaviors
C. The belief that what preceded a behavior is of utmost importance, regardless of what follows it
D. The need for open communication and “telling”
33. Humanist approaches to classroom management emphasize
A. Shared thoughts and feelings of the group
B. Development of communication skills to influence learners’ self-esteem and behavior
C. Immediate behavior changes and compliance
D. Recognition that group power is more important than individual will
34. Which was a major conclusion in research involving experienced and inexperienced teachers? The more effective and less effective classrooms can be distinguished more by __________ than by ___________
A. how teachers respond to misbehavior; what teachers do to prevent misbehavior
B. what teachers do to prevent misbehavior; how teachers respond to misbehavior
C. how teachers perceived their class as a whole; how teachers perceived each individual student
D. how teachers perceived each individual student; how teachers perceived their class as a whole
35. Learning what it takes to avoid or escape something undesirable is called
A. Positive Reinforcement
B. Intermittent Reinforcement
C. Negative Reinforcement
D. Punishment
36. According to Ginott, the congruent communication approach is the primary vehicle for influencing
A. Self-esteem
B. Behavior
C. Academics
D. Class Control
37. Asking complex questions, accepting only expected answers, not knowing why a question was asked, answering the questions rather than letting students, and using questions as punishment are common mistakes usually committed by
A. substitute teachers
B. principals
C. experienced teachers
D. beginning teachers
38. Metacognitive strategies are most easily conveyed to learners through a process called
A. self-checking
B. mental modelling
C. classifying
D. recalling content
39. Mental modeling involves all of the following steps except
A. showing students the reasoning involved
B. making students conscious of the reasoning involved
C. using mnemonics for memory aids
D. focusing students to apply the reasoning
40. How well did the U.S. use its military power during the Vietnam war A strategy that turns a typical discussion into a more productive and self-directed learning experience by using predicting, questioning, summarizing, and clarifying is
A. reciprocal teaching
B. cooperative learning
C. lecture discussion
D. direct teaching
41. Non-evaluative eliciting activities
A. should be used early in the instruction
B. are to encourage responses without a test anxious atmosphere
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
42. The lowest level of the cognitive taxonomy that requires cognitive processing is
A. Comprehension
B. Knowledge
C. Application
D. Analysis
43. “Who can take the introduction of this speech and tell why it is such an effective way to begin” is an example of what type of question
A. Synthesis
B. Application
C. Analysis
D. Evaluation
44. A helpful way to think about and plan for constructivist approaches to learning is to present curriculum in
A. a step-by-step, logical sequence
B. a pre-structured unit of study
C. a problem-solving format
D. open discussion or demonstration format
45. In a classroom, the sequence of events that lead to questioning are structuring, soliciting, and reacting. The heart of this sequence that helps bridge the gap between presentation of content and understanding content in
A. Structuring
B. Soliciting
C. Reacting
D. None of the Above
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46. Effective questions
A. ask only about the content being learned
B. get students to actively compose a response and become engaged in the learning process
C. are only slightly important to the learning process of the student
D. are usually rhetorical and have little to do with lesson content
47. Ms. Martinez uses questioning strategies on a regular basis. She prefers that her students be required to think about their answers before responding. Ms. Martinez seldom asks questions that have a short answer. Her students are expected to express their feelings, analyze the question, and/or use generalizations and inductive thinking to answer. The type of questions she usually asks is
A. Divergent
B. Convergent
C. Direct
D. Closed
48. Keeping up to date with developments in their field, completing in-service and graduate programs, attending seminars and workshops are ways teachers achieve
A. Legitimate Power
B. Referent Power
C. Expert Power
D. Coercive Power
49. Of all the types of power a teacher can have, the two that teachers have to earn are
A. expert and referent power
B. legitimate and reward power
C. expert and coercive power
D. legitimate and referent power
50. When grouping students homogenously during a unit, it should be for
A. earning skills relevant to a specific task
B. a short period of time
C. Learning Centers
D. Both a and b
51. A brisk pace producing 60% to 80% correct answers helps to minimize irrelevant responses and classroom distractions
A. True
B. False
52. Monetary policies are economic tools used by the central bank to deliberately control the supply of money in the economy/system in order to control inflation.
A. True
B. False
53. In the absence of head, the assistant head administration can take over the day to day administration of the School. The work of each of the assistant heads should support the system
A. True
B. False.
54. In awarding the steady leave, the number of years taught must NOT be considered
A. True
B. False
55. Computer-assisted instruction is most effective when used to reinforce previously taught material
A. True
B. False
56. In order for a behavior to be authentic, it must always be taught the way it is used in daily life
A. True
B. False
57. Building on previously taught learning provides increasingly more authentic and higher-order thinking outcomes at the unit level
A. True
B. False
58. Interdisciplinary units may help students find out what they need to know and learn rather than always expecting the teacher to give it to them
A. True
B. False
59. The written format for an interdisciplinary unit is the same format used for a disciplinary unit
A. True
B. False
60. With some effort in planning, the teacher can find an entry level of a lesson to be equal to all the students’ needs in the class
A. True
B. False
61. A good reason for stating the level of performance in a behavioral objective is to provide some way to determine whether the behavior has been obtained
A. True
B. False
62. An authentic objective is one which reflects behaviors most like those needed for living in the “real” world
A. True
B. False
63. Tacit knowledge represents what works and is discovered through everyday experiences over a long period of time
A. True
B. False
64. In school curriculum guides, content and the level of behavioral complexity are clearly and specifically defined
A. True
B. False
65. Task-relevant prior knowledge shows the necessity for a certain lesson sequence
A. True
B. False
66. Objectives may contain behaviors from one, two, or all three of the domains
A. True
B. False
67. All objectives require a single correct response
A. True
B. False
68. Generally, those behavioral objectives requiring higher level cognitive, affective, and psychomotors skill will be more authentic
A. True
B. False
69. Behaviors of less complexity are always easier to teach than those at higher levels
A. True
B. False
70. The purpose of the content-by-behavior blueprint is to help teachers discover behaviors they may have failed to include in their lesson plans
A. True
B. False
71. “Given five quadratic equations, the students will be able to solve the equations correctly in 80% of the cases.” This statement is an example of a behavioral objective
A. True
B. False
72. Criterion level is used interchangeably with level of proficiency
A. True
B. False
73. Audience, conditions, and criterion level are the three essential components of a behavioral objective
A. True
B. False
74. Authentic tests ask learners to display their skills in a situation similar to a real-world setting
A. True
B. False
75. Many lower-order behaviors must be learned before higher-order behaviors can be attempted.
A. True
B. False
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